Our Artist

The Art of painting is like the waves of water, paint our lives and splash as we go. It never stops moving, like my hands when painting.

Benjamina Ortega is an inspirational person, creative, and dedicated to all her work. She succeeds and exceeds with what stands in her way. She’s been committed to painting for years while being self-taught. The heart of her business and where it is currently situated is in Ottawa-Gatineau with colorful scenarios which only embrace her love for them.

For her, there are no rules when creating, just lets herself flow, and simply enjoys that inner creativity. She is inspired by colors, poems, stories, and nature. Her favorite painting styles are watercolor and acrylic, and when looking at her paintings you can see the vivid colors, which creates a sense of joy in her paintings.

Benjamina is also talented in the artistic side of poetry in which she enjoys expressing it in her native language as well, that language is Spanish. She doesn’t fail to write the unknown and the unforgettable with features that could make any heart melt, here are some examples,

Simply, simply move ahead

Throughout the mountain with strength

With extra patience and with love

You can climb up to the sky

Move ahead believe in you

Enjoy the steps, you are the best

You have the strength to move ahead

Never give up, you are getting there

Little by little, climb up high

Open your eyes to see the sun

Your soul is guiding you to climb

It is your chance to change your life

Benjamina Ortega